Everything’s Coming Up Daisy: Bachelor Ep 2

On tonight’s episode of “Who Wants to Be an Influencer,” Joey’s looking for love and finding it almost immediately with DAISY. But I’m getting ahead of myself…

The first date of the week is a classic wedding photoshoot, with the women duking it out of the ivory flock of their choice. The introduction of the word “marriage” definitely introduces some crazed energy to the house. It brings up a lot of emotions about relationship expectations, passed loved ones, and jealousy in the house. MARIA commands attention at the table. EVALIN straight-up jumps the table. JESS and Joey kiss in front of everyone, left hands intertwined. TAYLOR lets her green monster show. RACHEL says she’s falling in love with him—already. And maybe she is because Michael Bolton comes out to sing their “first dance” song, giving the couple his lyrical blessing.

During the nighttime portion, MARIA slips into something more comfortable while JESS opens up about past hurts in relationships. On the first date. I don’t know why this always surprises me, but the women are moving fast toward the target. They watch the show. They know the moves. Joey is a great sport, taking in all their emotions with care and encouraging time to breathe.

When DAISY comes out for her date in a cute pink dress, everyone cheers as she smiles and twirls, so excited for her, and it warms my heart. These are the friendships so many alumni talk about from the show. They have another classic Bachelor date duo: the helicopter ride and country music concert. She’s nervous about her cochlear implant and being able to connect to him in a noisy environment, but he’s connected to her throughout the night, getting those 1-on1 moments. He looks at her like she’s the only girl in the world.

At their late-night sit-down date, she opens up about her battle with Lyme disease, which caused a lot of health issues and hearing loss. She then started a nonprofit “Hear Your Heart” to help children with autoimmune diseases experiencing hearing loss. He’s very impressed by her, which makes her feel more comfortable with him, creating a bond. I 100% see her being in the Top 3. Some online say she has it in the bag, but other strong relationships could progress. She gets a rose, but I think it’s too soon to call the whole ballgame.

For the second group date, Jubilee and Demi do a mock-military training bootcamp, complete with push-ups and tire tosses. They then play capture the flag with paintball and plush hearts and no rules. It goes as to be expected. The blue team goes for blood, winning 3/5. But the surprise twist: only 1 woman gets to spend the night with Joey.

EDWINA truly gave her all during the group date and earned that private time. Almost felt like the night portion of a 1-on-1. Joey was glowing with admiration for her athleticism throughout the competition. She opens up about the pressures of being perfect, of being a role model for her family, and earns a dreamy kiss and rose.

Back at the house, sh*t is starting to boil. Rumors are stirring as boredom settles on the house, MARIA encouraging MEDINA to be confident about her age and having it misconstrued. It’s an excuse for the women to test pulling their rank, seeing how far Bachelor Mansion groupthink can get her.

Several slept-on connection takes a spotlight at cocktail hour. Joey and LEXI paint poorly and joke around, sharing an easy humor. KATELYN shows off her nerdiness with French horn and Star Trek knowledge. LAUREN starts stressing about her connection, getting jealous again of everyone else’s connection, and sending herself home (but not without a slice of cake, of course). Honestly, I loved the candor and snack opportunity. Her exit was the least chaotic of situations I saw coming.

Overall, Joey has nothing but lovely things to say about everyone, which definitely shows his own character more than anything.

ROSES: Jess, Daisy, Edwina, Rachel, Lexi, Kelsey A., Kelsey T., Jenn, Evalin, Autumn, Medina, Lea, Katelyn, Chrissa, Maria, Starr, Allison, and Sydney.

This season is just the positive fun show I needed for our romance lineup. Look out for next week’s episode review on Tuesday night.


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