London Eyes Cry Too: The Bachelor, Week 5

This week, “The Bachelor” goes to London—kind of.

The first date of the episode is a 1-on-1 with GABI. Her relationship with Zach got off to a rocky start, but they seem to be vibing pretty well. This makes GREER emotional (another woman sobbing over other women having dates with Zack), worried she’ll be sent home before getting her own time with Zach, similar to Abigail Heringer.

On the date, GABBI and Zach make their own perfume together called “Zabi.” Very original. They explore British cultural stereotypes like fasteners, crowns, and corgis, followed by a fashion show of ballgowns, Zach fawning over her princess-like looks. She then goes home carrying bags of shoes and accessories. All the girls were understandably jealous, complaining how no men have bought them clothes. I think it’s worth mentioning Zach 100% did not buy anything, production did, or more likely the store for free promo. CHARITY was in tears. I don’t think we’ve seen so many unnecessary tears in a season before. It’s possible the lack of actual drama has just heightened the women’s relationship insecurities.

GREER even tells the group “I’m not going to look excited because that’s not how I feel right now.” She was hurt by GABI and Zach’s date not because they spent meaningful time together, but because she likes tea. Yes, actually. It makes her so upset she has to leave the room, CHARITY comforting her while the other girls reassure GABI.

I can’t help but wonder, do the women understand what they signed up for? Do they know what show they’re on?

The next day, Zach skips his own date and the women are understandably glum but almost upset that they have to explore London. They go on a red bus tour, drink, and twerk in front of royal guards. I don’t know why production told these women his cold would go away in a few hours, getting them all dolled up with nowhere to go, but Zach is unsurprisingly still too sick for the night portion. KAITY hands them all a petal from the date rose, which is cute. CHARITY stresses out about her date the following day. But it turns out everything in person is canceled: Zach has covid.

In lieu of a 1-on-1 date, Zach gets CHARITY a metal Big Ben figurine over Facetime. I’ll admit I felt way more chemistry through the door with KAITY and her care package than I did for CHARITY on her date. The cocktail hour was more cringe than “Love is Blind,” unable to see each other at all. I feel like they’re giving CHARITY a possible “Bachelorette” edit so I feel like she’ll stay until Hometowns, but I do not think she’ll be in the final 2.

When GREER tries to share her frustrations when having covid and trying to achieve her professional goals, Zach absolutely dismisses her comfort, saying it’s “completely different” than his two missed dates. He made her cry. My jaw hit the floor. Another red flag for Zach. For a “boring” Bachelor, he sure seems to be turning scarlet this season.

ROSES: Gabi, Kaity, Charity, Aly, Katherine, Brooklyn, Jess, Ariel, and Greer.

This episode has both the most drama out of any episode and the least plot. Nothing happened. GABI had her date. The girls sulked in London. Zach got covid. He video-dumped KYLEE and MERCEDES. I hope as the women dwindle, the drama will come. My jaw will drop (and not just out of his rudeness). But after five weeks, maybe it’s hopeless.


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