Bahamas Baby!: Bachelor, Week 4

With Barbados-native and ultimate “bad bitch” Rihanna headlining the Super Bowl Halftime Show, it was only fitting that this “Bachelor” season’s first international stop was in the Caribbean. But it looks like the season’s jealousy storyline has no problem crossing oceans. When KATHERINE gets the first 1-on-1 date card of the week, GREER is sobbing. Very different from the women’s view of CHRISTINA last week, sent home as the first “villain” of the season.

The first half of the date is just sunscreen foreplay. KATHERINE and Zach snorkel and he wonders at how gorgeous she is. While this is typically a red flag, the Bachelor seeing more outside than inside, I think Zach and KATHERINE actually have a lot of chemistry. They seem pretty breezy and equable. During the night portion, she breaks down about the hard relationship with her mom, feeling insecure due to Zach’s picture-perfect family, him comforting her with a rose.

On a similar note, the group date is a chill outdoor party, experiencing the music, food, and culture of Bahamian life. GABI feels left out because she’s allergic to shellfish, afraid to kiss Zach and risk anaphylactic shock. Who green-lit this date? Would we send someone with a bee allergy into a honey-harvesting date? I previously thought no. There is fish flying everywhere. It’s a miracle GABi was okay. Props to her for staying cool despite almost needing a hospital trip in a foreign country because a guy wants to throw fish and play limo.

When ANASTASIA feels her relationship with Zach is lacking, she puts in the effort to talk to him (refreshing!) but is interrupted by KYLEE, literally refusing to go until she gets her conversation in. But like any argument on “The Bachelor,” it’s a she-said-she-said. Only cameras know the truth, KYLEE and ANASTASIA spreading rumors that the other tried to start drama. I think it’s very obvious now that Zach does not tolerate gossip, both girls trying to use his morality in their favor. KYLEE plays her ultimate Wild Card by planting a “wrong reasons” seed of doubt with Zach, taking advantage of ANASTASIA’s career as an influencer, sending a final nail in her coffin. But ARIEL is the true winner of the date, using the opportunity to check on Zach and get a leg up in their relationship, getting the date rose. Not a bad move.

BROOKLYN and Zach do another chill beach day for her 1-on-1 date, essentially just making out in the ocean. I get the sense that Zach has requested low-key dates, wanting to truly get to know the women. A typical season has several highly-orchestrated dates, such as sex-ed lessons, telenovela filmings, and stand-up nights. We have only seen two this season. But the casual touch seems to be working on getting to the core of these women. BROOKLYN opens up about her abusive father and ex, feeling safe in Zach, and receiving a rose as validation.

At the cocktail party, DAVIA starts to crack watching other women have relationships with Zach, but that’s the name of the game. He assures her, which is surprising based on his send-home of BRIANNA and BAILEY (and proves my point about CHRISTINA last week“if he wanted to, he would”). But even more surprising—he still sent her home! Why the validation if he was immediately going to send her home?


It’s official. My main qualm with this season is Zach. His black-and-white morality and decision-making when it comes to women. Involved in drama = sent home. Implicated in drama = sent home. Expressed they need validation = sent home. In his pursuit of a relationship, it seems as though Zach forgoes anything difficult or questionable. He doesn’t investigate at all. Everyone is one and done. Will it prove successful? We’ll just have to wait and see.


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