Bruges Baby!: Bachelorette Week 5

They’re on the boat again! I know! But their next stop is Bruges and honestly, I’m a bit impressed by ABC. Bruges is absolutely beautiful and medieval and historic and not super touristy like the Brussels I was assuming they’d stop in Belgium. It is possible it was cheaper for them since Bruges is closer to the coast, but we’ll give ABC the benefit of doubt. Who knows? Maybe one of our Bachelorettes suggested it. My money’s on Miss Pilot Traveler Rachel.

Starting out on a mellow-dramatic note, LOGAN says he’s not excited to go on his group date because he’s conflicted and ETHAN admits they agree—because they wanted to go on the 1-on-1. Not exactly what FBoy LOGAN meant. He wants to dump Rachel for Gabby in some “private” on-screen time. So, he takes a little trip to Rachel’s hotel room, and I am surprised by the grace with which he breaks up with Rachel. The “I’ve never had the moment to tell you how honored I am every time you put a rose on me” line was a little bit much, but he’s trying. Rachel holds herself together very well in front of him considering the question she sobs later “How many weeks were you going to go before you did this? When you apparently knew at that first group date?”

She brings up a great point. Every single week someone has jumped ship. What’s up with that this season?

Jesse visits Rachel to give her sage advice based on his time as the Bachelor, because we’ve all forgotten despite how much he mentions it, despite him not lasting more than one month with his fiancé from his season. She decides to cancel the day portion of her group date in Bruges and the guys are obviously upset, only getting time now for the night portion.

LOGAN then visits Gabby and she immediately wants to check in with Rachel before bringing things further, which is amazingly refreshing for the franchise. His ego pops up while packing for the limo though, saying “I would like to think they both want what’s best for each other, and maybe I’m part of that.” ICK! Rachel is teary. It’s not about him! Rachel is rightfully nervous for Gabby but a supportive friend in the perspective relationship. 

TINO ended up the star of the night date, though I’m a bit conflicted with how their conversation with. In pre-date interviews, he seems like he wants to shame Rachel for canceling their date. That’s not how it came off when he told Rachel his feelings, her eyes essentially hearts in her head, so I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt, but I am wary for the future. We’re possibly getting Greg Grippo vibes

The way Rachel strokes ZACK’s beard gave tipsy cues, plus the screaming, plus the stumbling. I definitely think some liquid courage is responsible for her sunny disposition throughout the night. The rose goes to TINO. I’m not surprised. 

I think ZACK is going to be #2 and TINO #1. Rachel seems over the moon for TINO but ZACK is definitely being pushed toward the fan favorite.

We get our Bruges date with Gabby and NATE, which I was excited about. They did waffles and soccer with local kids, picking them up like linebackers. It was very sweet. The slap-fish game, to as sweet but definitely funny. We definitely got to see a silly side from the guys. 

And just on cue, LOGAN shows up to Gabby’s afterparty wearing his all-black Dwaine Johnson look, and it’s just as awkward as we all expected. The guys were pretty understanding—or at least told Gabby they were for the sake of their relationship. Not AT ALL like what Nick Viall walked into on Kaitlyn Bristow’s season. NATE gets the group date rose. I think he and ERICH are very clear front runners. 

AVEN is Rachel’s 1-on-1 and I am excited! I love AVEN for Rachel. They compare star signs for compatibility like a true 2022 couple on a first date, sharing chocolates and joking around. He opens up about stability and connection being important in relationships for him, which I think Rachel can connect to. He gives her a bracelet from his mom and she lights up. “I want to be as open as possible and there to be no grey area with how I’m feeling in this moment.” She stresses that he has “never wavered,” that she could see her life with AVEN, falling in love with him, “And I feel like I’m almost there.” That’s huge!

JOHNNY has the 1-on-1 date for Gabby. He feels like a very mellow spirit to me, but definitely opens up a bit. He’s a beer-loving too-cool hipster, but Gabby’s actually into it. They run around the table, wack each other with barley, and hop in a bath of beer. During their dinner portion, he admits that he sees a therapist for depression. Great for him but an odd place for a breakthrough. We love a man who goes to therapy! He gets a rose from a cheery Gabby. “From the beginning, everything has been natural with her, and I think if it’s meant to be it comes natural,” he says. I super liked JOHNNY after this date and I’m excited to see where their relationships goes. I think that everyone left at the end of this episode’s elimination has strong connections with their leads (minus LOGAN) and I am SO READY for the drama and heartbreak to come.

At the cocktail party, the way ETHAN swears out of sheer amazement at how gorgeous Rachel looks is how I want to enter every room from now on. Just shock and awe. They do look amazing, and the guys definitely take notice. NATE practically showers Gabby with kisses, earning a mini chocolate bar for his daughter. ERICH gets some validation from Gabby that when they’re together “it’s just him.” And LOGAN willingly gets hit by a fish. 

RACHEL: Tino, Aven, Zack, Tyler, and Ethan. 

GABBY: Nate, Johnny, Jason, Spencer, Erich, and Logan.

I’m not super surprised by this rose ceremony. I feel like around this time we start to drop the guys we don’t know the names of. Things get more serious. And the drama will only grow closer and closer to a proposal. Until next week…


All Cheese, No Magic: Witch Please by Ann Aguirre


Life’s a Cruise: Bachelorette Week 4