How Do You Solve a Lover Like Maria?: Bachelor Ep6

Next stop: Canada. While the whole house seemed to turn against MARIA this season, accusing bullying, purposeful drama, and torture (yes, these were real-life accusations on reality tv), Montreal proved to be a convenient space to set a new tone for the journeyⓇ.

Why did producers decide to make Canada their next adventure hub after Malta? I doubt anyone knows. It sure left them enough money to swap a helicopter for a 4-minute drive on Joey’s 1-on-1 with MARIA. Super convenient they went to her hometown and therefore set her as the exploratory date (wink wink). All jokes aside, after all the drama that ensued, I completely understand Joey wanting to spend more time with MARIA, see if their connection was strong enough to continue away from the drama. (It was). They had an ease and banter that felt natural, not cheesy dreamy nonsense that sometimes spurs in Bachelor Nation.

Joey opens up the episode by getting real about his own anxiety and mental health regarding the season so far. I think the lead’s mental health often goes unnoticed or disregarded because it’s understood that to be successful they need to take on each contestant’s trauma to build a connection. It creates an artificial bond that the show’s quick turnaround engagements are known for. And Joey just isn’t feeling it.

In the group date this episode, many were surprised by Joey’s choice to give JENN the date rose, but there was a serious connection between them I hadn’t previously paid much attention to him. She notices him. She makes space for him and his emotions, contrasting how the show often sets up relationship expectations with the lead, leading to dramatic breakdowns as the finale closes in. Great TV. Not great relationships. He feels seen and appreciated with JENN. Even when in large group settings, she always finds a way to single him out and create private moments. One could argue their relationship has grown even more since their 1-on-1 date last week. Do I think she’ll make it to hometowns? No. But maybe top five, now that LEXI is gone.

Another dramatic tidbit from the group date was LEXI’s confrontation on his relationship timeline expectations. She wants kids “right away” and he wants to enjoy a few years at every step in between. It was fairly realistic in comparison to past lead expectations, but that became a problem for his relationship with LEXI because of her potential endometriosis infertility.

One thing I wasn’t expecting this week was JESS to get sent home. On Night #1, Joey and JESS had a genuinely sweet connection. I hate to think that the “mean girls'“ energy from her friendship with SYDNEY and LEA twisted her connection. Ultimately, it was obviously she saw her relationship slipping and pulled the classic Bachelor “I think I’m falling in love with you” move as an intentionally forced step forward in their relationship. It was like shooting herself in the foot. Her words only made Joey realize how disconnected they were and decide to send her home. If she had a normal conversation and put in some extra work at the cocktail party, she could have stayed another week.

Meanwhile, with KELSEY A., while I see their connection as playful and genuine, I don’t quite see it as romantic. It reminds me a lot of Elyse from Colton’s season. They shared a very close friendship and he sobbed when she left, but it was never quite over the line into romance enough for him to consider her as the final pick. She eventually chose to leave. KELSEY A. is so cool, mature, and funny. I could also see her bowing out before hometowns, not ready for an engagement with Joey.

ROSES: Jenn, Kelsey A., Maria, Daisy, Kelsey T., and Rachel.

I knew who was going home before the rose ceremony even started. We barely ever saw KAITLYN. With no more drama, LEA was next on the chopping block. Joey was no longer obligated to keep her. We only have six women remaining. Everyone at this point has a connection. It’s getting down to the end already! Crazy! Don’t forget to tune in next week as the real drama begins. Who will win Joey’s heart? Or will he end up alone?


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